Yelim and Sunny join the lab. Welcome!
Ziyi and Bryce join the lab. Welcome!
Congratulations to Zikun for successfully defending his PhD thesis!
Shu-ou is the winner of the 2024 NAS Award in Molecular Biology. Congratulations, Shu-ou!
Wren Steifel joins the lab. Welcome, Wren!
Congratulations to Ruilin for passing the candidacy!
Congratulations to Hao-Hsuan for successfully defending his PhD thesis!
Welcome, Radek, to Pasadena! Radek is our new captain on the single molecule TIRF microscope.
Congratulations to Chien-I for successfully defending her PhD thesis!
Check out our new paper about SecA-driven cotranslational protein translocation. Congratulations to Zikun and Shuai! Ribosome profiling reveals multiple roles of SecA in cotranslational protein export
Congratulations to Hao-Hsuan for the new article in Science! Check out how NAC acts as a molecular gatekeeper on the ribosome to impart specificity of protein targeting.Mechanism of signal sequence handover from NAC to SRP on ribosomes during ER-protein targeting.
Ribosome profiling reveals multiple roles of SecA in cotranslational protein export.
Zhu Z‡, Wang S‡, Shan SO*. (2022)
Nat Commun. PMID: 35697696
Ribosome-nascent Chain Interaction Regulates N-terminal Protein Modification.
Yang CI, Kim J, Shan SO*. (2022)
J Mol Biol. PMID: 35278477
Mechanism of signal sequence handover from NAC to SRP on ribosomes during ER-protein targeting.
Jomaa A‡, Gamerdinger M‡, Hsieh HH‡, Wallisch A, Chandrasekaran V, Ulusoy Z, Scaiola A, Hegde RS, Shan SO*, Ban N*, Deuerling E*. (2022)
Science. PMID: 35201867
Fidelity of Cotranslational Protein Targeting to the Endoplasmic Reticulum.
Hsieh HH, Shan SO*. (2021) Int J Mol Sci. PMID: 35008707
Subunit cooperation in the Get1/2 receptor promotes tail-anchored membrane protein insertion.
Chio US‡, Liu Y‡, Chung S, Shim WJ, Chandrasekar S, Weiss S, Shan SO*. (2021) J Cell Biol. PMID: 34614151